
  • package root

    Just Another Fine Pipeline Language

    Just Another Fine Pipeline Language

    This is a pipeline framework. It’s built on top of Akka actors to support arbitrary data flow pipelines. It is wholly agnostic to the kinds of data that flow through the pipelines and the implementations of the steps that process them.

    See for more general information.

    Definition Classes
  • package com

    The com package.

    The com package.

    Nothing to see here, keep going deeper.

    Definition Classes
  • package jafpl

    The jafpl package.

    The jafpl package.

    Nothing to see here either, keep going deeper.

    Definition Classes
  • package config

    Jafpl configuration

    Jafpl configuration

    Definition Classes
  • package exceptions

    Exceptions thrown.

    Exceptions thrown.

    Definition Classes
  • package graph

    The graph construction APIs.

    The graph construction APIs.

    A graph is returned by a com.jafpl.config.Jafpl configuration. The core type of a graph is the Node. Nodes cannot be created directly; instead they are created in the Graph or in a container (via its ContainerStart) through methods on those objects.

    Definition Classes
  • package injection
    Definition Classes
  • package messages

    The messages passed between actors.

    The messages passed between actors.

    Definition Classes
  • package runtime

    The graph runtime APIs.

    The graph runtime APIs.

    Definition Classes
  • ExpressionEvaluator
  • GraphRuntime
  • InputProxy
  • OutputProxy
  • Reaper
  • RuntimeConfiguration
  • TraceEvent
  • TracingActor
  • package sbt
    Definition Classes
  • package steps

    Step and step-related traits.

    Step and step-related traits.

    Definition Classes
  • package util

    Utility classes.

    Utility classes.

    Definition Classes



package runtime

The graph runtime APIs.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. runtime
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ExpressionEvaluator extends AnyRef

    Evaluate expressions (for variable bindings and the alternatives in a choose).

    Evaluate expressions (for variable bindings and the alternatives in a choose).

    The expression evaluator is responsible for taking the string form of an expression and evaluating it. The runtime is agnostic to the form of the expressions or their results. In order to support choose steps, it's necessary for the evaluator to be able to return a boolean result for an expression.

    The evaluator may throw a com.jafpl.exceptions.JafplException if the specified expression is invalid or, in the case of a request for a boolean, if it has no boolean value.

  2. class GraphRuntime extends AnyRef

    Execute a pipeline.

    Execute a pipeline.

    The graph runtime executes a pipeline.

    If the specified graph is open, it will be closed. If it is not valid, an exception is thrown.

    Constructing the runtime builds the network of Akka actors. If for some reason you decide not to run the pipeline, you must call stop to tear it down.

  3. class InputProxy extends DataConsumer with DataProvider
  4. class OutputProxy extends DataConsumerProxy with DataConsumer
  5. class Reaper extends Actor
  6. trait RuntimeConfiguration extends AnyRef

    The runtime configuration for pipeline execution.

    The runtime configuration for pipeline execution.

    This object provides configuration information to the pipeline execution engine.

  7. abstract class TracingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging

Value Members

  1. object Reaper
  2. object TraceEvent extends Enumeration